Plum Signup

Plum is on a mission to help people make more money with less effort.

Dec 2023 - Ongoing | 🟑 Shipping


Old fashioned signup full of frustration

We observed a 23.2% drop off from email signup to successful email verification.

Having the users to leave the app, check their email inbox and tap on the magic link, requires too many redirections that often end in failure β€” This caused frustration among users and failed to create a professional and trustworthy impression from the outset.

Complicated profile creation

There’s on average a 9.7% drop off at the personal details step.

We’ve over-complicated an experience that’s meant to be intuitive by condensing 7 steps within one single screen, making it challenging to complete. Our lack of usability consideration made users uneasy.

Besides, we do not offer the function of updating personal details in the app. Users will have to contact CS to update manually, which creates unnecessary burden.


A smoother, securer signup designed for the future

  • To address these challenges and provide a faster, more secure signup experience compliant with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) standards, we’re committed to modernise signup experience that eliminates friction and enhance efficiency and reliability.

  • As our business grows and users invest more money it, it’s crucial that we have a strong fraud prevention system to handle error and edge cases.

Sense of progress

Breaking down a long, tiring form into incremental steps with a progress bar allows users to anticipate how long the process is and know how much steps they’ve completed. This reduces users’ cognitive load and creates a sense of progress that helps to ease their anxiety and result in a higher chance of success.

User journey

Existing Onboarding

New signup flow

Seamless Mobile Authentication

  • We enhance our trust-worthiness by replacing email with mobile number, a possession element that can prevent unauthorised access more effectively.

  • With this signup method, users don't have to leave the app during signup and reduces reliance on email issues. We expect to boost verification conversion from 76.8% to 94%.

Simplifying account setup

  • We made it easier for user to complete the process with fewer errors by breaking down the steps and adding a preview screen prior to submission.

  • Theses enhancement helps to mitigate error, improve the success rate and enhance overall operational efficiency by reducing unnecessary workload of CS team. It’s projected to reduce drop-off from 9.7% to 2%.

Projected Impact


Boost Account setup success rate to


Uplifting verfication conversion to

Key takeaways

Collaboration and Dependency Management

Working closely with various teams like Security, Compliance, Infrastructure, and Backend User Base Migration was vital for resolving dependencies and aligning requirements.

Close collaboration with the Product Lead and Tech Lead provided clearer direction, enhanced team alignment, and enabled us to move fast.


Plum Guided Onboarding